knee pillow

Knee Pillow: The Secret to Better Sleep!

Knee pillows, in our humble opinion, are just as important as head pillows. They help with alignment, keep your legs cool and sweat-free on hot summer nights, and bring noticeable improvement to the comfort of your sleepy nights. Keep reading to learn more about why knee pillows are a necessity and not just a nice idea, what makes our Knee Cube so special, and how to properly use our Knee Pillow.

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How to Sleep while Taking Cymbalta

Solution: How to Sleep while Taking Cymbalta [11 tips]

Here at Pillow Cube, we know that good sleep is an absolute must, and the quality of the rest you get each night affects every other aspect of your life in tremendous ways. While Cymbalta is necessary for your health, so is restful sleep, so we’ve assembled 11 tips for how to sleep while taking Cymbalta.

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Sleep Hack: How to Get 8 Hours of Sleep in 3 Hours

Sleep Hack: How to Get 8 Hours of Sleep in 3 Hours

Here at Pillow Cube, we strive for excellence in making sleep more comfortable by creating the ultimate pillows and mattresses. Nothing helps you fall fast asleep better than helping your body find a relaxed, comfortable position. However, there are many other tips and tricks for falling asleep quickly and reaching a state of deep, true quality sleep in a short amount of time. Keep reading to learn how to get eight hours of sleep in three hours.

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what side should i sleep on with a ruptured eardrum

Ease the Pain: What Side Should I Sleep on with a Ruptured Eardrum?

If you’re a side sleeper (which, if you’re looking into our Pillow Cube, then you probably are), then you’re probably asking yourself, “What side should I sleep on with a ruptured eardrum?” The easy answer to that question is that you should try to sleep in the most comfortable position possible.

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How to Monster-Proof Your Bed

We’ve all been there—You’re about to get into bed, when you realize the light switch and your bed are on opposite sides of the room. That means, on...

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